Satin Set
Photographs by @jakefrom412
Be Bold
I had to answer the typical "describe your style" question recently, and I was at a loss for words...
I ended up answering the question with a bunch of adjectives that don't go together (something like "edgy, classic, and retro"...huh?). Later this week, however, I was looking through the photographs that were taken of me by the extremely talented photographers at last Saturday's Pittsburgh Blogger Babe Meet-Up, and I realized that my outfits had something in common. They were bold. Like this one. I didn't bother breaking up the set or pairing them with neutrals. I wore them together. I took a risk, and they photographed great together. Of course my style is all those things I described it as (edgy, classic, and retro), but whatever part of that I'm feeling, it's always going to be bold, loud, and committed. I was reading from one of my biggest inspirations Alina Gonzalez, @thehyperbalist (get with her insta story if you haven't already), and something she said that resonated with me was "you like what you like.” Damn straight. So simple and so true. My style may be a lot of different things, but I commit to whatever it is I like---no refining.
Special thank you to Ash & Tiff of @pittsburghbloggerbabes for hosting the meet-up. I'm still so grateful to have met so many inspiring and talented bloggers and photographers. Being a part of this community is a personal and professional game-changer for me. Visit their blogs! Ash does the prettiest flat-lays ( and I can't get enough of Tiff's outfits (
Ann Taylor Skirt and Blouse (not on sale online anymore, you may be able to find it in store!), Vintage Flea Market Earrings, Kmart shoes (sold out)