Rips and Ruffles at Adda Coffee and Tea House
I love coffee shops. I think more than the average person. I was a barista at Anchor and Anvil Coffee Bar during high school. (Check them out if you haven't. Super high quality coffee.) My friends and I would grab coffee nearly everyday after class in high school. Then I carried that routine to college with new friends, and I made countless memories. I wrote my first feature article for our school newspaper there, met best friends for the first time, and even told someone I loved them for the first time. So, coffee shops...sacred ground. Not all shops are treated equal, however. I like high quality coffee and places that have honey for my tea. (I earned the nickname Pooh Bear in college, because I would bring honey to our campus Starbucks.) Corny as it sounds, you have to vibe there. A few weeks ago, when I walked into Adda Coffee and Tea House in the outfit pictured below, the vibe felt right. I ordered a Ginger Tumeric Latte, because as a singer I'm all about ingredients that boost immunity. The food was super good too! They have vegan and gluten free options that are actually delicious. Hit this place up. They are located in Shadyside on South Highland Ave.
Avec les filles blouse (Sold out, but similar here), STS blue jeans, vintage earrings, Kmart shoes (old)
Photos by Stone Weiss. Check him out here.