A lot changes in a year...
Indeed. Just in this last year I've become a college graduate, held two different jobs, began teaching voice privately, covered my dream role in the operatic repertoire, started this blog, and performed two full recitals with dream programs. Not to mention a whole host of other experiences that left me feeling renewed. I learned a lot this year. Like how to put myself first. I've always understood the essential life fact of taking care of yourself before you take care of others, but it's not always easy to put that into practice. It's something I get better at with each decision. It's not about staying at home in a bubble bath, because you want to avoid putting yourself out there. It's also not about going out every night, because you're afraid of missing out. (Guess which problem I have.) It's about the wisdom to know what's best for yourself in each individual situation. I don't always innately want to do what's best for myself, but with the experiences of this year, I've found that I always know what's best for myself. It's about honesty. Honesty with others and honesty with yourself. So here's to more of that this year.
Abercrombie sweater, Frye boots, Free people jeans (very similar here)
P.S. The sweater and boots are now on sale!!